Heinz Weixelbraun

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Heinz in Ukraina. Is it possible?

In the February of this year the Ukrainian Dovdjenko works Inc. film studio made an official decision to start the shootings of the new film "The Russian Angel". TV company "INTER" invested its money to this project, but suddenly everything turned against the 156 minute lasted "Angel". Wheter the reason was the lack of money or somebody's hostility for Heinz, we can't say, but all the works on this film has stopped.

Heinz Weixelbraun received the offer from the screen-writer of the film - to play the part of himself. He studied the offer closely and accepted this offer.

The plot of the film is rather simple. A young girl Natasha from a little out-of-the-way town has a great dream - meet her idol. This wish was so strong, that she were writing the letters to him non-stop. Then she meets one young man - Andrey, who falls in love with her. But she can't stay with him, because she's getting a chance to act in a film with her idol, Heinz Weixelbraun. If you're worry about these young men, then take it easy - Natasha achieves great success, becomes a film star and comes back to her little town. She meets Andrey and... Happy end, you know, as a usual.

As you see, it's a very trivial story about love, fame and dreams coming true.

But the director of the film, a young debutant Ivan Nikitski, wants all actors to be Russian and Ukrainian to make the film patriotic.

Yekaterina Filova, seventeen years old, who is to play the part of Natasha, is a real fan of Weixelbraun and she refuses to act in this film without his participate.

The screen-writer, Marina Koshelyova, votes for Heinz, too. She says: "I had been working on this film within a year and I'm not agree to loose Weixelbraun only through the director's fault! You may fire anyone you want, but only not Wexelbraun! I won't let this happen by all means".

Now the last word is after Heinz: if he can work in such miserable conditions? But perhaps, we would never see this film on the screen...


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