Heinz Weixelbraun

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Though Heinz created a lot of really genious film characters, he is still denying, that he is a cinema actor. Maybe, he just loves theatre too much and can't renounce it, because his career has begun from the theatre stage. And maybe, Heinz is too faithful, if he can't leave it, leave those emotions which are given from the spectators during the performance. Theatre is live conversation of the actor and the spectators and is much more difficult than acting in a film, where there are a lot of doubles - possibilities to correct some mistakes. So the professionality of the theatre actor must be very high. And Heinz is a real professional. All his characters are so real only because he doesn't play, he lives on the stage. And one amazing side of his manner - spectators like all his characters, wether it is a positive character or not, he is very likeable in every role. And there is one more thing: he never plays only good or bad characters, wich makes his creation different.

Now, let's turn back time and see, what a long way he has made.

1) 1985.

Jakob von Gunten, by Walter Pfaff.
Die Reisen vom Berge
Emilia Galotti (Volksbuhne Berlin)(1985-1991)
Trauer zu Fruh (Volksbuhne Berlin)(1985-1991)
Marat, Sada (Volksbuhne Berlin)(1985-1991)
Kleist-Projekt (Volksbuhne Berlin)(1985)
Romeo und Julia (Volksbuhne Berlin)(1985)
Yes, it was rather difficult year for Heinz! But very interesting, I guess:)

2) 1992-1995.

Sauschlachten (Ensembletheater, Vienna)
Lumpazivagabundus(Stadttheater Klagenfurt,Karnten)
Boses Blut (Arthur Rimbaud Soloabend, Regie: Heinz Weixelbraun)
Change(Wiener Ensemble im Rabenhoftheater)
Oskar Wilde und Andre Gide in Blieda (Wiener Schauspielhaus)
Die Europaer. Struggles to Love von Howard Barker.

3) A long-lasted interruption started. Heinz was working on "Komissar Rex", and he had no time to play in any theatre performances. It's a pity:( Besides, Peter Hajek didn't want to release him when he got an offer to play the part of Goebbels in "Pogrom". But Heinz could persist in his opinion and came back to the stage! Hurragh:) Though Goebbels is a repulsive type, of course...

4) Millenium. New century, new parts and new troubles... That's life, we can't change it...

Gestochen Scharfe Polaroids (Ensembletheater, Vienna)
Komodie vom deutschen Heimweh(Renaissance Theater,Vienna)
Hughie (Ensembletheater, Vienna)(2002)
Himalaya, by Volker Schmidt at dietheater Kunstlerhaus in Vienna, Austria(2003)
Der Familiengerschit, Pathos Transport Theater, Munich, Germany (2004)

That's all information about his achievements on the stage we've got... But if you have something new, anything, then please contact us

Story by: Allie

© 2005. Copyright by Christian Schu and Allie. All rights reserved.


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